Question on Niche Research/Monetization...


New member
Based on a lot of great research here and member suggestions I am knee deep in researching my niche.

A general question came up though I could use some input on. I'm am running into a lot of high volume keywords with low competition but I'm assuming this doesn't always mean there's money to be made there.

For example say you run "golden retriever" through GKP. You get over 200k monthly searches with low competition and a low CPC. Just because there is huge volume there with low competition doesn't mean there's money to be made there right?

I'm guessing since it's such a broad topic, that most of that traffic is informational meaning no buying. Certainly if I broke that down into a niche of golden retrievers there might be potential but just because there's big traffic doesn't mean you could easily monetize say a blog on Golden Retrievers is what I'm wondering. I assume the money would be made from finding long tail KWP's that have some good traffic as a niche of the Golden Retrievers? Is my thinking right?

If this is a better question for the SEO forum let me know.