Prevent Laptop From Overheating


New member
From last few days my laptop have started to heat up to a degree that it becomes very hot and reboot at some point. The fan is working at its full speed like it was working before and the Load on the CPU is normal which is below 20 % most of the times. Please let me know if any body can give any hint or help on this that what should i do to prevent this laptop so that it do not overheat.

The laptop is about 2 years old and the warrantly have already expired so there is not point in taking it to the manufacturer as they will keep it for few days and will charge few hundred buck to check this overheating problem. Please guide me step by step process i should follow so that i can find the root of this problem that is causing this laptop so that it does not overheat.
Although the problem which you mentioned seems to be more complex and seems that the problem is with the processor itself because it is still being overheated even when the fan is working . One thing you can try is to always use laptop by putting a separate tray which have fan built into it. You can put this laptop cooling tray and it will absorb the heat more quickly and may help the problem of overheating of your laptop.