Power Supply Issue on Desktop: Need Assistance


New member
Hello everyone,

I'm experiencing a power supply issue with my desktop, and I could use some guidance. Here are the details of the situation:

  • Computer Model: BeeTech X500
  • Operating System: Windows 11
  • Parallels Version: Parallels Desktop 19


My desktop has been encountering power-related issues lately. The system will unexpectedly shut down, especially during high workloads. Upon restarting, there is sometimes a delay in powering back on.

Troubleshooting Steps I've Tried:​

  1. Checked power cables and connections.
  2. Ensured that the power outlet is functioning correctly.
  3. Monitored the temperature to rule out overheating issues.
  4. Ran diagnostics, but no specific errors were found.
Despite these efforts, the problem persists.


Has anyone experienced a similar issue with their desktop and could provide suggestions or troubleshooting tips, especially related to power supply management in Parallels Desktop? Could it be linked to resource consumption, or is it purely a hardware issue?

I appreciate any help or insights!

Thank you in advance!
It sounds like a hardware issue, likely related to the power supply unit (PSU) rather than Parallels. Consider testing or replacing the PSU and checking your system's power settings to ensure optimal resource management.