Posting Limit For New Members?


New member
Is there a limit to how many times a new member can post?

The reason I ask if because I have noticed that some of my posts publish straight away and some are held to be moderated. I don't post in quick succession either, I normally come back every few hours to see if there is anything that I fancy contributing to. :)
deansaliba. There is no limit on the number of posts . The posts by new members having urls automatically go into moderation to avoid spamming. Also the post with certain words and lot of Capital letters will go into moderation .
deansaliba. There is no limit on the number of posts . The posts by new members having urls automatically go into moderation to avoid spamming. Also the post with certain words and lot of Capital letters will go into moderation .

Ah, right, I believe I included urls in those posts that were put into moderation. :) Thanks for clearing that up. :)