pop-up blockers


New member
Ads range from being a small box in the corner to annoying popups right in the middle of the screen that won't go away until you click on it. What do you use to block these annoying ads from appearing on your screen?
AdBlock Plus as well as Adblock Element Hiding Helper. The later requires some input on your part to block specific stuff, but it does catch things that are new and not part of the main list of things to block.
Yeah I just use adblock plus. You used to have to add lists and stuff to it for it to work properly but now it installs so quickly and just works! It's best for YouTube adds as they can last forever sometimes.
i am using Ablock Plus pop blocker.I saw it is able to block annoying ads, unwanted ads,misleading popups.If you want you can try it.
Adblock software quite effective and I am continuing to use it