Paid to Post Content


New member
Has anyone ever done sponsored blogs, or paid to post content on their blog?

I know of several sites, such as Social Spark, etc that offer this, but all the posts they want me to do are completely irrelevant to my content, so I have never done it.

Has anyone successfully leveraged tools like this to have a credible blog whilst still making money?
Has anyone ever done sponsored blogs, or paid to post content on their blog?

I know of several sites, such as Social Spark, etc that offer this, but all the posts they want me to do are completely irrelevant to my content, so I have never done it.

Has anyone successfully leveraged tools like this to have a credible blog whilst still making money?

I have been doing this since late 2007 and have earnt a nice chunk of cash doing it. I would suggest joining some popular ones like, and maybe even, the first two offer a lot of different types of topics.
I have not done this. I do not think this would be appropriate for my blog. I think there are some people who would do this just to get the ball rolling. I am still struggling with my blog, though. I do not want to use this type of program unless I was making a decent amount of money with my blog and could budget it in.
I don't think paid to post content is efficent for most cases. People aren't going to be motivated to actually post on what they truly believe if they have a different motive in hand. It's like a children being bribed, only when the bribe is up...
Yes, I mean like posting reviews and what not onto blogs for some extra cash. It seems like a great extra way to make a little bit of money, especially if the content is relevant to what you usually blog about.
I tried getting a couple of movie reviews written for me for one blog but ended up not using them. The quality was nothing like what I would have written for myself.
It's kind of hit or miss in my experience. Some people tend to perform better writing when they have a monetary incentive, while others will just try to slam it out with no effort like a school exam on their least favorite subject just trying to get to the end result. One good way to think about it is if the time it took you to make the money you'll be paying for content is more or less than the time it'd take you to write good content yourself. You can't guarantee someone elses work, but you can decide what you choose to do as far as optimization and keyword density, choice of keywords, etc, when you write your own content. Google tends to like the quality content I write over the moderately good content I've tended to receive when going the paid route.
Another thing to consider is having people guest blog in exchange for backlinks to help grow your content. An author that's going to have a backlink to their website from the article is more prone to do a good job typically because the article is going to represent both their image and the image of the site that they're trying to build backlinks to.
I think it is totally about quality. I think if you begin to sell out and post only irrelevant paid posts, people will quickly stop visiting your site, and will think it is simply a spam site, or not legitimate. The key to goo pay per post, is to find something that is relevant to you, and is something you can easily post about rather than forcing some random thing.
Yes, I mean like posting reviews and what not onto blogs for some extra cash. It seems like a great extra way to make a little bit of money, especially if the content is relevant to what you usually blog about.

Oh right, I have tried this with a site called Ciao ( but it has mainly been reviewing wrestling games and PPVs so I've only made about $60.00.
Its just that I am not able to find the appropriate one to pay me for my quality post.
Moreover, its about quality and quantity I think.

I used several of these paid post sites, social spark being one. I didn't make loads from it, but it did help my online income some. This was when I had about five blogs going though, and updated most of the time.

The problem many people have with this is they put too many paid posts on their blog, and it ends up super-advertisey, which then puts the people who pay for posts, off, and you end up getting nothing, or at least nothing decent.

The trick is to put mostly normal, good, quality posts up and just a paid post every now and then, maybe once a month. I turned down paid posts at times because I'd recently done one. So, yes you can, but don't overdo it. It needs work to establish a blog first too, so not really a quick hit.
I used several of these paid post sites, social spark being one. I didn't make loads from it, but it did help my online income some. This was when I had about five blogs going though, and updated most of the time.

The problem many people have with this is they put too many paid posts on their blog, and it ends up super-advertisey, which then puts the people who pay for posts, off, and you end up getting nothing, or at least nothing decent.

The trick is to put mostly normal, good, quality posts up and just a paid post every now and then, maybe once a month. I turned down paid posts at times because I'd recently done one. So, yes you can, but don't overdo it. It needs work to establish a blog first too, so not really a quick hit.

This is very true, I have a ratio of 1 sponsored post for every 6 or 7 normal posts and this is something I try and tell the new guys when they ask me about sponsored posts, sadly they don't seem to listen to that bit and then come back a month or so later complaining about their PR being taken away and their traffic disappearing. Yeah, I wonder why!
Social Spark is the only suggestion I would have that would be anything nearly convenient. By your description, I think your blog might be a bit specific, and for that, I think the only way is to really increase the traffic to make it enticing for business owners to sponsor your blog or send you something to review. After obtaining traffic, just search around for sites you would like to advertise for and send them an email, if you offer a low price to start and the audience you have is appealing to them, they might consider to pay you for your articles.
I am a member at Social Spark, but I have never taken any of the opportunities. I get the emails and the leads they send me are relevant, I just have not applied to any of them yet. I have worked with individuals who have contacted me tho. I like to do that since you get paid right away and you also get a little more control over how you want to do it. I have thought about accepting some of the paid review leads from Social Spark, but not sure what has stopped me.
I have used paid to post things before, I usually get a few dollars per day that I use them. They are good if you only need a few dollars. I wouldn't rely on that as a source of income however.
I would like to try this option for my blog however I want to ensure that I get the "right" kind of attention that is appropriate. At the same time, I do not want for my blog to attract topics that are not relevant to it. I think I would be looking into Social Spark in more detail though.
Unfortunately, these sites - pay to the bloggers for posting the content - they are best utilized when you create different blogs based on their categories and not add content on your existing blog(s) as most of the times, our blogs' niche will not match up with any of their categories (unless of course we are too lucky). That is one way to solve the problem. The other way is to create and have a blog where the theme is "Anything Goes" and though this is not something which is preferred, yet, such blogs can go well with the pay to post sites.

I have seen a couple of blogs that do not stick to any specific niche and I guess, they will do good when they take up such tasks of posting content from the Pay to Post sites.