Page Rank Goals


New member
What is your goal as a website owner? Like in a span of 6months, how do you see the ranking of your site? What are your steps to achieving that goal?
My main focus is my blog. It's ranked on the first page for certain keywords. I have very happy with its ranking. Of course, I would love to rank at the top. I should be able to this in a few months. I will continue to do what I'm already doing: web 2.0 content, videos and podcasts. I need to step up my social media activity. I don't fully take advantage of Facebook or Google Plus.
My site is on fifth page on Google and has PR 2. I want to promote it and get it on first Page of Google with PR 4 in next six months.
Good job guys! I wish that your pages would rank even more higher. My blog is current on PR1 still for the past 3 months. I am more inspired now to write on it for the increase of rank.
Currently I don't have a website, but my when I started my last forum my plan was to have constant traffic and posts made on the forum, sadly that didn't worked so I had to let it down because of the job I had to do with the freelancing.