Organising media files


New member
I don't understand how such a good platform for making websites could fail so badly when organsing media. How many people just lump things into one folder! What can we do to organise pictures into folders or other categories?
When you upload files via the default Add Media/Video on the Dashboard, these files get stored on the Uploads Directory and in fact this directory is highly structured. Though on the front end (the Admin Panel) it displays you everything in a way which makes you feel the files are stored just in one single folder. This is done for ease of people who use Add Media.

If you need to put up and store images in some way that you understand better, then, the most and probably the only way out is - create your own folder structure and upload files into it (using FTP clients). But that will make things complicated as it will take you a longer time to locate the files on the dashboard unless you remember the paths.