Numerology and related concepts

Numerology and related concepts
What is numerology?
Numerology is an ancient belief or knowledge system that studies the relationship between numbers and events in human life. According to numerology, each number has its own meaning and influence, which can help to better understand personality, destiny, and relationships in life.

Why is numerology not considered a science?
Lack of scientific basis: Numerology is not based on systematic scientific research, there is no empirical data to prove its concepts and theories.

Untestable and unrepeatable: The principles of numerology cannot be tested or repeated under controlled conditions as in scientific research. This makes it difficult to verify accuracy and reliability.

Subjectivity: Many conclusions in numerology are subjective in nature and depend on personal interpretation, without clear standards.

Lack of predictability: Science often makes predictions that can be tested and validated. Numerology is often not clearly predictive and can lead to inconsistent results.

Considered a religion: Numerology is often viewed as a form of religion or ancient wisdom, similar to astrology, rather than a true field of science.

However, many people still find value in numerology as a tool for self-discovery and personal growth, even though it is not recognized as a field of science.

4 schools of numerology
There are many different schools of numerology, but the four main ones that are often mentioned are:

Pythagorean numerology: This is the most popular system, developed from the philosophy of the mathematician Pythagoras. It uses the numbers 1 through 9, as well as decimals, to analyze personality and destiny. Each letter of the alphabet is assigned a number, and master numbers are calculated from the name and date of birth.

Kabbalah numerology: Derived from the Kabbalah tradition of Judaism, this school uses the Hebrew alphabet and focuses on the deeper meanings of numbers. It is often associated with the search for spiritual understanding and the connection between humans and the universe.

Chaldean numerology: This system originated in ancient Babylon and differs from Pythagorean in that it uses a different alphabet and believes that numbers have their own energies and frequencies. Chaldean Numerology is often considered to have a more spiritual depth.

Vedantic numerology: This school is closely tied to Indian philosophy and spirituality, using numbers to analyze careers and personal relationships, often combined with aspects of astrology.

Each school has its own approach and applications, but all aim to explore human nature and life through numbers.

How many numbers are there in numerology?
According to the modern Pythagorean school of numerology, which is widely used, numerology has 13 numbers, including numbers 1 to 11 and number 22. However, in the life path index (master number), the master number 10 can also be considered the master number 1.

Understanding what numerology is and determining your number, you will know your strengths and weaknesses. From there, you can make changes and overcome them to make your life more favorable.​


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