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If I wanted to start affiliate marketing, what programs / companies / criteria should I pay attention to?
affiliate marketing for beginners advice

Simple affiliate marketing examples would be amazon. Set up wordpress blog and write about things you buy and why they are good and work for you. Then link to the product with your affiliate link.

Make sure you join good affiliate programs that have been around a long time and promote products that most people will need not a few people. Look at terms and when your paid you do not want a program that requires high amount earned before payment. Most pay at $50 and up some have lower payments.

You also can have blog about something you know about and have adsense on it. You will make less per action but you can make some money. I would not put adsense on site with affiliate links they draw your traffic away and you get less sales and money.

Make sure to buy hosting do not use free website hosting for affiliate marketing they can go down or take site away anytime. Also register domain name for more than 1 year search engines look at how long your domain name is registered. Learn search engine optimization and use it in each post and urls.

Find domain name that is simple easy to remember and has keywords or describes what site is about. Use keywords in domain name if you can.
Maybe you're right. It's worth giving preference to popular and well-known companies or brands. By the way, Amazon is really one of the best examples for practice in affiliate marketing. You can find a list of affiliate marketing programs for beginners list on this article, that are enough simple to work on. There aren't only the names of these programs, but also the descriptions of each of them. This should help you choose the right affiliate program for your first profit.
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