No Success From Twitter


New member
Always there are people talking of Twitter and the benefit it can bring in Marketing the Website and Brand Promotion. I have tried very hard on twitter but have not got any success and even hire a company who made a commitment to provide 3000 follower. They delivered 3000 visitors in two weeks. After they delivered my assumption was that now our business do have 3000 followers and when we will tweet at least few hundred out of those 3000 would be interested but to our surprise we did not got any response from any of these 3000 followers.

In short we did not had any success from twitter. I want to hear a real world story if any one of you had any success from Twitter and if your answer is yes that tell whats the secret and how can Twitter be used effectively to Market the Brand and spread the word.
Te get success and gaining twitter from twitter not only require followers but it requires the followers which are having a real interest to follow you. If they have real interest only then they will come back to your website when you will tweet about some thing.
As taobao said, it's not just about the amount of followers you have - if you by xxx followers from a company, chances are that they are fake accounts, inactive accounts, or random accounts that have no interest in what you are trying to advertise. It's not that twitter doesn't work for you, it's that you're not utilizing it to your advantage. Some ways you can help to expand you twitter audience with people who actually would be willing to care about what you advertise, are by interacting with your followers, posting questions, and using tagging to your advantage.
Ever heard of hashtags on twitter. These are used to emphasize on the general topics and make tweets visible on real time searches.
All you need to do is tweet consistently. Pick trending hashtags in your tweets (Make sure it is relevant) and interact with the followers with larger followers' base.

Best of luck!
Paying for Twitter followers is almost always a lesson in futility. Many of the sellers use bots so you're not even getting real people following you. Build your following by searching for people who are most likely to be interested in your company or product. If you're into a green niche, search for people who tweet about green topics; if you're into a food niche, search for foodies.

Here is what I recommend to build a real following:

1. Search and follow 10-20 people daily.
2. Make sure to retweet at least a few of their tweets each day, as well as adding your own tweets.
3. Don't make every tweet a promotion - no one likes that and they'll unfollow you, block you or just ignore you.
4. Cull your following once a week or so. Unfollow people who haven't tweeted for a month so you have room for more active members.
5. Check out the people you're following (their sites, blogs and products). Tweet comments using the @username about what you see. People like people who pay attention to them.
Paying for Twitter followers is almost always a lesson in futility. Many of the sellers use bots so you're not even getting real people following you. Build your following by searching for people who are most likely to be interested in your company or product. If you're into a green niche, search for people who tweet about green topics; if you're into a food niche, search for foodies.

Here is what I recommend to build a real following:

1. Search and follow 10-20 people daily.
2. Make sure to retweet at least a few of their tweets each day, as well as adding your own tweets.
3. Don't make every tweet a promotion - no one likes that and they'll unfollow you, block you or just ignore you.
4. Cull your following once a week or so. Unfollow people who haven't tweeted for a month so you have room for more active members.
5. Check out the people you're following (their sites, blogs and products). Tweet comments using the @username about what you see. People like people who pay attention to them.
Great tips, they're all very helpful for gaining a presence on twitter. Another thing that could actually help you gain twitter followers is to use popular tags (a quick google search can help you find them) as long as they are relevant to your topic, and integrating other social media outlets to your twitter. So if you have a facebook, you can post your twitter username on there as well to connect all your followers from all the social media outlets, so it looks like you have more. Doing give aways is also always a great thing to gain more followers, but you'd have to follow through with them; scamming people on there is a great way to get your account deleted.