New CMS Page Builder Magento 2 : Empower you to create as many CMS Pages as possible


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Does it take you too much time and effort to build content for you own Magento 2 Website ? Are you feeling exhausted and helpless? We proudly present CMS Page Builder* Magento 2 assist you to builder professional websites with Ease.

CMS Page builder Magento 2 is an extension allowing you to edit CMS pages effortlessly and visually at front-end. As a result, you can see what you've performed instantly whether it is a minimal adjustment right on user interface. No coding knowledge requires

  • Visualization and Friendliness : Every single change is visualized instantly and enticingly
  • 29 + block elements to help you create any content you want
  • Empower you to create as many CMS Pages as possible

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