Need your advice in terms of choosing a shared account ...


Need your advice in terms of choosing the best shared account and two hosts are in my mind: and, si which one would be t he best for me?
Need your advice in terms of choosing the best shared account and two hosts are in my mind: and, si which one would be t he best for me?

May I ask how you came up with these two hosting providers? In any case, I hear both of them are decent and they should be good enough for you.
They are good at what they do, it's not overpriced claptrap.
Uptime is great - thanks them a lot. is the host I have trusted and so far they have come through 100%.
In my web hosting with provider, I also learned that the hosting panel which they use is very good one and they have learned it well to make users understand pros and cons of things which we have to do every day. I don’t have any complaint against them.
Never had any problem with provider. My previous host charged my credit card for renewal and the site disappeared. I have never had a single problem with them and highly recommend then to both beginners and experts alike.
I totally agree about and their affordable SSD storage based web hosting service. Their control panel is fantastic and allows me to control all functions of my hosting account even to turn on and off safe mode + create password protected folders. I simply love this host!
1- High uptime makes sure your visitors can always reach you by your website, thus not losing any opportunity to make sales.
2- you need to know does the hosting plan come with technical support. If yes, then how and when you can reach them?
3-Can the hosting plan be upgraded easily to a better plan in the future?
4- I can’t cover everything here, but I can suggest you always pick a hosting plan with cPanel.

A good hosting plan is very cheap nowadays. To save you all the troubles and headaches, I suggest you to pick hosting service from the Best hosting Provider company, for instance