mobile internet


New member
What is the speed of the internet on your mobile phone? Mine is really poor depending on the time of day, sometimes i don't bother because it takes too long just to load a simple news page. The mobile internet providers say it is due to congestion on the network, are you affected by slow downs during peak hours?
I use T-mobile, which is quite fast depending on the areas I go. I use their 4G internet service network, which I consider it's fast enough for me to get through the work I need to do when I use the internet on my phone. I think there's a peak-time in which the internet service will be downed depending on the time of the day. I have noticed that the internet service is kind of slow during midnight, which I assume that most people have already slept.
I'm on T-Mobile and I have unlimited data on my plan for pretty cheap, although it's unbearably slow for anything but browsing the web with Opera Mini or checking emails. It's something like 20-30kbps, which I don't mind since it's fine for me. Plus I don't need a contract plan for it either.
It's quite a drag to use my mobile internet when the need calls for it. Sometimes, out of boredom, I check my e-mails and Facebook account during classes. It takes at least a couple of minutes for my e-mails to load. Thank goodness my phone has a WiFi connection.