Metro and Windows 8 Start bar?


New member
So since we all had some time to adapt to this new system, do you miss the old taskbar?
I'm already used to the new metro system, I end up using it to open the most important programs as if it was the old taskbar.
There are some programs out there that can put the old taskbar back but I honestly don't need it ^^
So what's your opinion? I am talking as a laptop user, not tablets.
I think Microsoft should not have forced the changes so rapidly on users. I know for a fact it has effected sales with companies, for example one I know, just bought over 50 laptops for the staff. all with Windows 7 Pro on, taskbar, start menu, and others things put them off switching OS. No reason why Microsoft could not have included options for the taskbar, start menu and boot to desktop for professionals who wanted it.

W8 will only come in to itself fully when we have decent touchscreen laptops. Till then, my next laptop will be W7.
For some reason I feel that they launched Windows 8 especially for the Surface laptop, since those tablet/laptops are the only devices using the best out of Windows 8.
I think it was a failed strategy to make people buy the surface with this new OS.
Nope. I had fun with the metro interface for maybe 10 minutes then it started to feel like a gimmick. Then I started to get bothered that I had to go through it every single time I started the computer. I quickly got tired of it and couldn't see the point unless you have a touchscreen. That's my opinion anyway. Note, I've since gone back to Windows 7 for this and other reasons :)
Oh cmon, booting the pc and it starts with metro.. I just takes you 1 click to go to the desktop mode, you can do that in 0.5 seconds..
Anyway you just didn't get used to it in my opinion. You know you can customize the whole metro page so you have all the icons in different sizes and wherever yo want them.
For those who have not used Windows before, the start menu is very important to help in navigation. Furthermore you can use shortcuts to open up folders and perform other commands if you are an advance user. I think it is great that with Windows 8.1 there is the start menu and the metro style. So you can choose whichever you like.