Master number meaning in numerology

Master number meaning in numerology
What is the master number?
The master number (also known as the life path number) is the most important number in numerology, this is the index that greatly affects you throughout your life. Each master number has different positive and negative points, but how they manifest depends on you.

Life will bring opportunities and challenges waiting for you ahead. Grasping the strengths and weaknesses through the life path number is a way to help you develop yourself best, from there you will have your own direction.

How many master numbers are there?
According to the Pythagorean school of numerology, there are a total of 11 master numbers, of which there is no master number 1. Master numbers in numerology are determined from number 2 to number 11.

Another special case is number 4, which is made up of the total number 22, which will be denoted as 22/4 to distinguish it from master number 4. So how to know your master number, dear readers, please see our guide on how to find your life path number below.

How to calculate master numbers in numerology
Master numbers are calculated from the numbers in the date of birth. This index can be calculated by horizontal addition or reduced addition.

The general rule of both methods is to add up the digits in a two-digit number to a total of one-digit numbers, unless that total is 11, 22 or 33. Because 11, 22 and 33 are master numbers and they are not reduced.

Method 1: Simplified Addition
Step 1: Simplify the day, month, and year of your birth into three single-digit numbers, unless they are 11 or 22.

Step 2: Add the digits reduced in step 1 together, and continue to reduce this sum to a single-digit number. If the master number has a total of 11, 22, or 33, keep it as is and do not reduce it to 2, 4, or 6.

Method 2: Horizontal Addition
Step 1: Place a plus sign between each digit in the day, month, and year of your birth and sum them all together.

Step 2: Add the digits in the result of step 1 together until you get a master number that is a single-digit number.

Thus, the 2 calculation methods will give 2 different results. According to the standard Pythagorean numerology calculation, the first calculation method will be applied, so this person's master number is 22.

Meaning of the main numbers according to date of birth
Main number 2
This is a very rare number, in reality the main number is 2 which is much less than other numbers. Because only the total of 20 gives the main number 2. This is a person:
- Less ambitious.
- Sensitive, highly intuitive.
- Has an artistic "blood".
- Lives emotionally, likes to help others.
In general, this is a sensitive, kind person with goodwill to help others and is humble.

Main number 3
This is the number of people who tend to think and reason. If this person has a quick mind and flexible thinking, he will easily succeed.
- Quick mind.
- Good thinking, likes to plan.
- Good at evaluating.
- Extremely rational.
- Has a sense of humor.
However, people with negative master number 3 are likely to have a bad impression such as being arrogant, patriarchal, and liking to direct others.

Master number 4
The highlight of number 4 is "practicality" or "practice". The practicality they desire helps people with Number 4 always move forward. They belong to the group of people who are principled and trustworthy.
- Passionate about working, making money.
- Interested in material aspects.
- Living "luxurious".
- Like tradition, standards.
- Like reality, not dreamy.
This person will often be immersed in work and easily neglect things that bring them balance, especially family life.

Master number 5
People with number 5 often tend to try to escape from constraints. They are sensitive, want freedom in expressing emotions. This person will find it difficult to work according to set hours. They have very good intuition, with deep emotions and strong artistic thinking.
- Rich in love.
- Love freedom.
- Have artistic sense and "wanderlust".
- Sensitive, express emotions well.
- Hate being tied down.

Master number 6
This is the number of people who are good at many creative fields. They carry a great responsibility in life with deep devotion.
- Like to contribute.
- Responsible for life.
- Strong personality.
- Full of love, easy to forgive.
- Endless creativity.
Number 6 people are often burdened with responsibilities that make them insecure and anxious, and easily get stuck in stressful pressure.

Master number 7
The unique feature of number 7 people is that they want to learn in their own way. They crave to learn by experiencing themselves.
- "Suffering first, happiness later".
- Unlimited learning ability.
- Like to experience on their own.
- Like to share their own experiences with others.
- Easily rebellious, not following the rules.
Number 7 people often have to sacrifice at least one of the three aspects of life: health, money, love.

Master number 8
People with the master number 8 are always independent and consider it the most important factor in life. They can be quite complex people with strong personalities, strength and intelligence.
- Strong personality.
- Complex, multi-dimensional thinking.
- Good business thinking.
- Confidence.
- Value independence and autonomy.
Master Number 8 has difficulty expressing gratitude and appreciation for others.

Master number 9
People with the Master Number 9 will triple the factors: ambition, responsibility and ideals. They always put the human factor first and always feel responsible. These people are suitable for art and humanities.
- Great aspirations and ambitions.
- Serious in life.
- Value the whole more than the details.
- Responsible, high ideals. - Like community work.


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