MAC OS Vs Windows.

In the event that you like gaming then a Windows PC is hands-down the better decision over a Mac. cherish my MacBook Pro, however miss the convenience of Windows. In the event that exclusive OSX had a begin catch, an assignment bar and a fair record chief. Without these executioner highlights OSX will dependably be short of what it could be.
Mac hardware is better and more reliable, and the OS is a much more stable platform for development. I use Macbooks for both home and work and I can't see a reason to go back to Windows unless my employer starts using .NET (which is not going to happen). ... The worst the operating system the more money I make.

So,MAC is better for office work?
Hardcore gamers prefer Windows, largely because PCs are so customizable. Macs, meanwhile, are almost impossible to upgrade easily
This is one question which is very common on tech forums and blogs and even though you can't compare the number of users of Mac and Windows, you will always find lots of people supporting Mac. I have also become a great fan of Mac ever since I started using it couple of years ago. It is surely more reliable and superior in performance but it is not the best option for gamers.