Looking for this solution: 2x960GB SSD, 500M Unmetered


Hey guys,
Require dedicated server hosting solution in Canada - budget $249/month
Here is what I need: 2xE5-2695v3, 256GB, 2x960GB SSD, 500M Unmetered.
What are your views on GTHost.com instant server hosting?
Any reviews? Alternative dedicated server hosts?
Well, GTHost.com dedicated hosting is my lifesaver , their support is amazingly helpful and so informative, they have been helping me non stop for a over 8 months, what i love most about them is their quick sufficient reply that always satisfy me. Support is quick and knowledgeable, and everything seems to work nearly all the time.

Believe this package will serve your demands: E5-2695v3, 64GB, 2x480GB SSD, 300M Unmetered starting at $99.