Local SEO Help


New member
I'd like to know, what is the proper way to setup a blog for a local client that has a website already?

Do you create a blog with city+keyword in the domain & point it back to their existing site?
What about the social sites facebook, Google+, Twitter, do you point those back to the blog or to the main site?
I know these questions may be common knowledge for most of you. But, its something I'am confused about. So any advice would be much appreciated.

It really depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Will the blog being replacing the client's existing site or will it be used to be credibility and authority in the local area? Will the blog compliment the main site? It's easier to make a plan if the goals is known.

I ask this because I sell locally and I use a blog as my main site. All of my social sites are tied to my blog.
Tara has said well. When goals are cleared then it is easy to make a proper plan and also to execute it to achieve the set targets.
You can use the blog to share information about the site product and get back link on site.