Link Juice?


New member
Link juice is the currency of search engines. In other words, it’s the hard part of the algorithm to crack, but is the most important. Links allow you to beat your competitors for rankings in Google and other search engines.
Hello Guys ..

Link Juice should be spread as evenly as possible throughout a website as possible. Each web page should have a good number of links pointing its way. Many web publishers make the mistake of concentrating all of their link juice on their home page, with very small amounts trickling deep into the site. This was always a good idea, but, since the dawn of Google Panda, it is now an absolute must.!
You can get link juice from a variety of sources. Some of it can be generated yourself by submitting to social media sites like Digg, Reddit, and Buzz. The problem is that you have to get other people to recommend you from these pages so that your page profile starts to grow, and this is variable. Another way you can get link juice is by asking people with related pages to provide a link to yours, and occasionally you may be able to blog on other sites where you can mention your own work.
A website has an overall Domain Rank. This is the amount of positive link metrics associated with a website as a whole. The Domain Rank is governed by the combined PageRank of all of the individual pages on a website. Every web page will have its own PageRank, or perhaps more correctly ranking capacity, governed by the link metrics associated with each particular page. It is the Link Metrics of any given page that determines how much Link Juice any one web page can pass to another. Read more about this in Link Metrics.
Link juice is a colloquial term in the SEO world that refers to the power or equity passed to a site via links from external or internal sources. This power is interpreted as a vote of recommendation toward your site and is one of the most important factors in determining your site’s search ranking (and PageRank).
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