keywords ranking


New member
My website keywords ranking are potential, but i am not getting traffic, what to do for increasing traffic, please share some informative tips ?
>write original content based your company.
>promote your sites in social networking sites
>get linked
>advertise your presence
>offer free content on your site
>use all free techniques
My website keywords ranking are potential, but i am not getting traffic, what to do for increasing traffic, please share some informative tips ?

In regards to informative "tips" to getting more traffic, one thing that you can do which has been often rehashed many times is creating, unique, helpful, good content. When a specific website or blog has intriguing, funny or informative content, many people on the interwebs will end up talking about it and then also start linking to it. From time to time some people may even bookmark it. This eventually will result in more visitors and more traffic. I know that putting together, great informative unique content is easier said than done, nevertheless it's key to get users and visitors.

Another "tip" that you can implement to help increase traffic to your site is the use of social media. Sites such as Google Plus, Twitter, Facebook, and many others are used constantly for branding purposes but also for marketing and to help get more traffic by engaging potential web visitors. Keep in mind that when you use social media, that it also requires you to follow others and keep tabs on what they are doing. It's important to have an active part in conversing with your followers. Social media is really important because it's a cost effective method to have the web community talking about your website. Then once people start taking in social media about your site, this will create more of an interest and then eventually more web traffic will come.
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Do all these on page and off page optimization techniques.

On page :

* Use relevant keywords and phrases
* Optimize each page
* Provide useful content
* Participate in the Social Media Community
* Build Back-links to your site

Off page :

1-social networks (myspace, facebook, twitter, linkedin and using to other social media.)

2- social bookmarks (digg, delicious, and other social bookmarking sites.)

3- directory submission

4- RSS submission

5- blog commenting

6- forum marketing ( participating in relevant forums)

7- using different one way link building techniques
you can also hire experts from SEOclerks who can provide you with ranking tools at cheap rates.