keyword v/s Anchor text

Keywords with hyper links is known as anchor text.
Keywords are the words that are present in the web page content, where as anchor tags are the main menu links that will take you to its respective page. Anchor tags works like back-links as a do follow link, if you write no follow to anchor tag then it won't be calculated as a back-link. We can add links to keywords which are present in the content. anchor tag consists hyperlinks to other pages.
Keywords are the words that are present in the web page content, where as anchor tags are the main menu links that will take you to its respective page. Anchor tags works like back-links as a do follow link, if you write no follow to anchor tag then it won't be calculated as a back-link. We can add links to keywords which are present in the content. anchor tag consists hyperlinks to other pages.

Perfect answer to clear adi123's doubt.
Keyword is the thing that people do search on Google. It helps you as if you choose good searched volume keywords with less competition around then your website ranks well and soon. that keywords could be choose from Google adwords tool.

Anchor text is the actual text on a link to your web site. Instead of a link on a web site saying 'click here' and linking to your site, or simply listing your web site name ideally you have text that describes what's on your site.