Keyword Density


New member
Out of curiosity can other web masters share with me that what must be the ideal keyword density for the webpages of my website. I am trying to promote my website but have not got any success so i am trying to find out that what i am doing wrong which is not letting my site pick up.

Currently most of the webpages on my website have a keyword density of 3 percent. Please tell me what should be the ideal keyword density and how should be the keywords scattered all over the page. Also if you can tell which tag is better to use while using keywords. Please share your experience keeping post panda and penguin algos for google.
1%-2% is the ideal Keyword Density for Web Content and also for Articles & blog posts.
Keyword Prominence and Proximity in web content are also important for Seo point of view for more visibility and high rankings in Search Engine Result Pages.
Just make sure you use the keyword near the front of the first paragraph and near the end of the last one. You can bold one and italic another to make them stand out for the search engines unless you want the look to be consistent.
2% to 3% is a good density. Make sure you have your keyword in the first sentence of your post and also make sure you pepper it in each paragraph. If you are using a custom description make sure it is there also.
Some of the official Google videos have explicitly stated to not waste time focusing on keyword density on pages. This was a common practice about 8-9 years ago, but I don't really think it's as effective these days.
I completely ignore keyword density because it doesn't matter. You just need to make sure you have a good flow of content. But it's also important to use your keywords when possible, and here is a method that I follow:

word, word, word, keyword, word, word, word, keyword
Really? Still talking about keyword density? Yikes. While that may still work on non-Google engines (though I doubt it), the days of formulaic SEO practices are going, going, gone.

I completely ignore keyword density because it doesn't matter. You just need to make sure you have a good flow of content. But it's also important to use your keywords when possible, and here is a method that I follow:

word, word, word, keyword, word, word, word, keyword

That's 25% density: Google's going to think you're a spammer.

Which is odd, given that your first statement was, IMHO, absolutely accurate. Keyword density doesn't matter: as long as it's in there a few times, the new gen search indexing mechanisms will figure out what you're writing about and include you.
Some nice suggestion have been provided by some posts already.

Ideal keyword density and most individuals report is 1-2%, but i think you shouldn't really be using it more than 2-3 times in an articles.
My articles, with keyword density lower than 1%, have performed so much better.

Just make sure that your keyword appears in the first paragraph and in title. Title should be relevant to the article.

Rest is backlinks! :p
Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page compared to the total number of words on the page. In the context of search engine optimization keyword density can be used as a factor in determining whether a web page is relevant to a specified keyword or keyword phrase.
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I believe keyword density is still matter. a artical full of keywords no one will like it and it look artifical for google. use 1-2 % keywords and use of LSI is good option