Keyword density

The number of times you mention and repeat your targeted keyword in your article is the keyword density of your write up. I used to write seo articles before and i remember most of them required me to have a three percent density of keywords, meaning i should repeat only three times the keyword, preferably in the first paragraph, in the body, and one in the concluding paragraph.
Keyword Density is the Persentage of times a Keyword Apears on a web page compare the numbers of words on page.Long tail Keywords are much easier to rank.
Keyword density is not a defined standardized value that can ensure a website’s high page rank. Different search engines account for different range of values of keyword density. Optimal keyword density of a website for Google is usually 2%. Yahoo and MSN however allow higher keyword densities of around 5% each......
I totally agree here! Everyone got it right; keyword density is the percentage of the keyword used for several times or phrase appears. Excessive use of keywords may result to a negative impact directly to your site. Moreover, be reminded that overuse of keywords is a practice called keyword stuffing and this will cause the website to be penalized.
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