Kashmir Independence....?

For the few believers in India, access to God’s Word is difficult, and for many, the cost of a Bible exceeds a week’s pay. But through Project Philip Bible studies, Church Planter Training, and Bible-based Literacy, God’s Word is reaching many in need of hope. Every day people in India’s remote villages experience persecution because they dare to trust Jesus and study God’s Word together. They are eager to share the Gospel and need your encouragement today.

With thousands of people groups, 22 official languages, and a deeply rooted caste system, believers are striving to tell others of God’s Word—no matter the conditions. They are being equipped with God’s Word and essential training through Project Philip Bible studies. And Church Planter Training is offering believers the opportunity to plant a church where needed most in their community. Bible-based Literacy ministry is teaching people to read and write in English or Hindi, using God’s Word.