Is There A Standard Dimension For Logo Images


New member
Any body please tell me if there is any standard size the logo image should be and if yes than what is the ideal dimension. My logo will be designer and now he is asking me what dimension in pixel i want this logo to be. I have to put this logo on my website as well as my other stationary. I am not sure if i should ask him to give me logo in just one size or different sizes for different purposes like website logo or stationary logo or business card logo.

Please guide me what are the standard sizes and dimension of the logos. If there is not any standard then please guide which dimensions i should get. Once he will hand over the logo to me further changes or delivery of logs will not be possible so i have to tell him right now what i want it to be.
I hope I'm not too late, but the answer is no; there is no 'Standard' Dimension, it really comes down to the application of the library (i.e where you intend to use it).

In this scenario however, considering you're talking to a designer, request for a very large size, or simply request the PSD (Photoshop File) so you can edit it and save it to different sizes later down the road without having to sacrifice the quality.
There is no standard size when it comes to logo, it all depends where you use it. Most designer and web developer know which size is suitable for a website.
As it was mentioned up here, there is no standard.
But obviously most logos tend to stay in a certain dimension.
There is not a standard size as others have noted, but you should specify with them that you want a logo that is clear and readable at multiple sizes and resolutions. If you are using it in the header of a web site, you will probably be shrinking it down to something less than 100-150 pixels tall, and even smaller if you are putting it on a business card. Ideally you would want the logo in vector format so it could be used at a variety of sizes and resolutions, but if they are designing it in Photoshop, make sure they give you a high resolution copy of it.