Is that true that google has changed it SEO policy?

shilpa sharma

New member
I've just read an article that Google has made defunct 7 SEO techniques, including:

Reciprocal linking. Many sites were penalised with a -30 penalty for excessive reciprocal linking.

Checking the supplemental Index. It is now harder to check which pages need extra work as the suplimental index has been merged into the normal index.

Directory Links. Directories have had Page Rank striped and the links devalued.

Paid for links / Sponsored Links. Google has heavily penalised the Page Rank of many sites selling links.

Sponsored blog post. Google has penalised people generating money from sponsored blog posts

Dominating the SERPs with sub domains. Google has made it harder to dominate the SERPs with multiple Sub Domains.>>

Do you think that it is true?