Is Social Bookmarking submission is beneficial for generate traffic?

yes, social bookmarking is most benefit for generating traffic and it is the best way For social sites with your friends, followers, and relatives might visit your site and its business opportunity. it is one of the effective link building strategy.
Social bookmarking sites where people share or search web links, blog posts, articles, videos, images etc. Which other people have bookmarked using meta title and description.
If your website content or blog content is informative and useful, you can get lot of traffics and response using bookmarking sites.
Basic information that why social bookmarking important for seo :

1 Drive free and targeted traffic to your website or blog - As there are hundreds of social bookmarking sites on the Internet with a smart social bookmarking campaign can lead to thousands of people to your website. Better yet, most of this traffic is very targeted to your website and the topic of your niche.

2 Improves your sites Pagerank and number of links from SB sites - You can tell that by looking PageRank of most social bookmarking sites. The most popular have Page Rank of 4 or more, up to 8. Links to websites, these are very popular and well-organized source for links to their websites that will give you a good ranking.

3 Boost the popularity of the website or the blog - Social bookmarking sites are edited by real people searching for these websites, check the content and rank up or down as they like. This means that your link, mail, or content become very popular on this site, your link or content may be viral – people will rank well, probably they will share on some of their blogs or social networking sites.
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No, social bookmarking is not beneficial for generating traffic in search engines. No, Social Bookmarking is just an outdated for the SEO and it can be ruined your SEO and Google considered it as a Spam. I do not suggest this one is good or beneficial now a days.