Is Keyword Density Still Important?

No, not at all. Google Hummingbird took the focus away from keyword density.

Make in your primary keyword just once or tow time and then focus on synonyms and semantics (relevant words).

For instance, if birthday cake is your primary keyword, remember to also make in related words such as party cake, (brand name) anniversary cake, cake party, best cake for parties, etc.
Yes, Keyword density play vital role for getting ranking.

Keyword density is calculated the ratio of keywords to the total word count of a given page.

Let's see here there are a few important things to keep in mind:

1. Keyword density depends on words count like top-ranking pages used their specific keyword approximately 8-10 times, while having an average of 1285 words on the page.

2. Word count has become a more important ranking factor than the number of keywords used.

3. Relevant words and phrases have increased in importance, and marketers and SEOs would do well to increase their focus on incorporating these words and phrases into their content, rather than on calculating keyword density.

Here provide how should keywords be used? There some few tips

* Position of keywords is more important than frequency. - Use the primary keywords in Title,H1,H2 ,Url and at least once within the body of the text content and no do more keyword stuffing on that page,its a spamming.
* Focusing on the long tail keywords
* Proper keyword research and analysis is still more importance for finding overarching topics as well as related and proof terms.
I think keyword density is still important for SEO. Keyword is the main factor which visitors use to landing on our sites
It is but its become alot more tha repeating your keyword over and over , you have to use related terms on your website. The placement is also important in which html tags you find the words.

To the users who say google hummingbird took the focus away Matt cutts had said keywords help and have a bell curve trend the more you use them at a certain point they will help less and less for relevance on your websites topic and even more and they will start hurting your website. So the peak of that bell-curve is where you need to be aiming at.

Dont believe everthing you read and be especially careful of what google say its often hidden under tricky answers.

Keyword density does count it always will.
Yes, it is still very important. It should be maintained by SEO people if they want to be saved from penalized by Google. Keyword density should be kept 1.5 % maximum. It is ok.
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