Is duplicate content really penalised by Google?

Actually this is not true. Matt Cutts has said many times in his videos and on his blog that is Google notices duplicate content then they will simply not count that content in the search engine, I owuld not count that as penalizing a site, I doubt there are ANY of us who have EVERY single page indexed in Google anyway.
Yes google penalize it. But it depends where you share it. If you share it on social site. It will not effect your post.
Actually this is not true. Matt Cutts has said many times in his videos and on his blog that is Google notices duplicate content then they will simply not count that content in the search engine, I owuld not count that as penalizing a site, I doubt there are ANY of us who have EVERY single page indexed in Google anyway.

Thanks for your clarifying the myth about duplicate content.
Google recently released their updates about content of a website and duplicate content is considered a Black Hat method to promote your website. It does not follow Google webmaster guidelines and hence your website can be penalized for such activities.
Yes, Not only duplicate but thin content is also penalized by Google. Use of Duplicate content is consider in black hat technique and Google always stand against such a activity that harm the searches and not provide what exactly searcher want.
I think so, in fact that is the essence of their Panda updates, to penalize duplicate contents. I have joined forums running adsense ads to their sites warning us not to post duplicate contents , otherwise they will expel you from their forums.