infographic submission

Hi all,

Does info graphic still plays the important role in link building?

Info graphics - a way of visual representation an information or data through a chart and other drawing objects

we all know that human mind can remember visual thing more than an information so infographic is the best way to represent information here we have some points that why infographics better than another way of representing information.

1)More attractive
2)easily impact on mind cause of way of representation
3)More viral possibilities than information
4)info graphics can embed on blog or sites
5)it can spread worldwide through the internet
6)Aware your brand through using a logo in info graphics
7)Increase traffic to your site

Hope it will Help you:redface-new:
Infographic submission is the most recent and most effective technique used for purpose of Search Engine Optimization through social media. Infographics are basically type of graphical representation depicting some information or integrated with data.
Infographics is a graphical information shared for your business products and services. It is used to submit in various Web2.0 to build backlinks and also generate traffic from them. They are helpful to build your website popularity in search engines.
3-5 years Infographic submission was done on a large scale. Now things have changed. I don't think that Infographic have that much of importance these days from Link Building point of view. Although it doesn't increase your site rankings. It indirectly gives slight boost in terms of traffic.
According to Hubspot, 40% of people will respond better to visual information than text, while photos/images on Facebook get shared five times more than text.