In SEO which should be prominent, backlinks or content?


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In SEO which should be prominent, backlinks or content?
In SEO which should be prominent, backlinks or content?

Both should be prominent since both are a huge factors in ranking your sites
having good back links and quality content on your site is on thing to focus on
In SEO which should be prominent, backlinks or content?

Both should be prominent since both are a huge factors in ranking your sites
having good back links and quality content on your site is on thing to focus on
Always remember one thing CONTENT IS THE KING .
Think about it in this way
If I am a visitor on your site and you have good original quality content there is a chance that your site will naturally be shared, I will tell my friend on fb or blog or forum - "Hey look this site seems AWESOME . Check it out " .
I.E. You will get BACKLINKS naturally . It will add cherry to the cake .