What does H1 tags output look like if there are more than one H tags on a single page. When i put single H1 on any page the text written inside this text becomes a heading and thus becomes bold and same is the case with H2 but with H2 tag the size is a bit small so lets say i treat H2 as a subheading.
The point i want to discuss here is that what would be the size of H1 tags when displayed on different browsers. I am specially concerned on how will my HTML page with H1 and H2 tags will look like when they would be seen by a person using a smart phone like iPhone or Nexus or any other tablets. What is the ratio of size of texts of both H1 and H2. Also guide me if its better to use HTML heading tags or should i use <bold> or <strong> tags instead of <H> tags.
The point i want to discuss here is that what would be the size of H1 tags when displayed on different browsers. I am specially concerned on how will my HTML page with H1 and H2 tags will look like when they would be seen by a person using a smart phone like iPhone or Nexus or any other tablets. What is the ratio of size of texts of both H1 and H2. Also guide me if its better to use HTML heading tags or should i use <bold> or <strong> tags instead of <H> tags.