How we know when we are using the right number of keywords on a page?

How we know when we are using the right number of keywords on a page?

Sadly, I can't let you know a correct number that is the "right" number of keywords on a page, for the most part since that is the wrong approach to consider keyword optimization.

There's no keyword density you ought to go for - indeed, utilizing a keyword too many times can result in penalization due to "keyword stuffing." Just remember the user in mind, and just utilize keywords when you have to. You'll discover enough common chances to incorporate keywords that you won't need to worry about reaching an arbitrary number.
Focus on one long tail keywords. It does not matter how many keywords you use in your content. It totally depends if you write for search engines or real humans. So for long term strategy write content for humans. Yes you need to work long tail keywords for latest keywords trends.

Too many keywords in one article looks content written by a robots and those converts does not converts at all.