How to Use Meta Tags In Search Engine Promotion?

If you do not put a description tag, what appears in the listing would be likely to be whatever first appears on your page, usually the alt text of some graphic or banner or perhaps your top menu.There are search engines which also look for a META Robots tag to determine how they index your site.
In a website page Title and description is very important because this are the information that google pull to display on SERP (not all the time though because some do not put meta description on their page they let google to the indexing). Title, description, content and its keyword should be all well associated with one another.
I use Wordpress for my sites. When I write a new post or edit a post, I also write meta tags. It is very easy to find where I can write meta tags.
Tags are keywords in SEO.
if you do not have a META Description tag for your page, some search engines will simply grab the first few lines of your page to serve as the description of your site. This description is more important than you may think.