How to switch on wifi on the phone?


New member
I want to know about how i can switch on the wifi when i restart my phone? Does my phone connect to wifi automatically or do i have to do it by doing in the settings?
You have to turn it on via the settings, but usually the phone will remember so when you restart the phone and you didn't turn it off then the wifi should still be on. It drains the battery so good practise is to leave it off until you need to use it, then turn it on only when needed.
You need to turn on your WiFi manually on your phone settings. Then, it automatically look for hotspot near your area. You can also configure it not to look for Wifi when you turn it on.
It depends on whether or not your phone supports Wifi. It it does, you can go to the Setting option and look for the Wifi mode.
How you turn off or on your wifi can vary with each phone. I know that with the iPhone you just simple go into your settings and you can easily turn it off. I think with most phones that option to turn your wifi on would be in the settings.