How To Start Making iPhone Apps

Do let me know how I can start making apps for iPhone . I have been thinking of making iPhone apps for a while now and then put it on appstore and start making money. I know some HTML coding so this is not the first time programming.

Please guide me what software or what it takes to develop my fist iPhone app from scratch or is there any ide editor I need to install first to start full development of iPhone apps.
You may want to try playing around with Google's new and free web design tool, Google Web Designer. It has a lot of pre made templates for mobile projects. There are also some tutorials on how to build mobile apps within Dreamweaver CC that walk you through step by step.
Its just the begining is difficult rest goes easy.Mobile games are, in general, much quicker to develop than the mainstream PC and console games. Usually mobile games are published as early as possible, often after five months of development, in order to see how they perform. Consequently, mobile games can still be developed by a lone developer. However, the largest game studios can have up to 100 people working for a single project.
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