How to sign up with BlueHost


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I have prepared a guide on how to sign up with Bluehost, but before I get to that I like to talk about the pros and cons about Bluehost:

Top 10 Pros of Bluehost WordPress Web Hosting

1. Price

You can get the hosting plan with Bluehost as low as $3.95 per month, which is very affordable for anyone.

2. Unlimited Everything

Bluehost offers unlimited Domain hosting, unlimited hosting space, unlimited file transfer, unlimited email accounts.

3. Free Addons

Bluehost offers free domain name, free site builder, and free instant setup.

4. 24/7 Support

Whenever you need helps, Bluehost will always be there for you.

5. Money-back Guarantee

Bluehost offers 30 days money back guarantee.

6. Free Bonus

Bluehost offers over $200 on all major advertising channels, such as Google, Facebook, Bing, and Twitter.

Top 10 Cons of Bluehost WordPress Web Hosting before we get into how to sign up with bluehost

1. Limited CPU Usage

Bluehost has limit CPU usage on 10%, so if your website is using a lot of CPU, they might suspend your site.

2. Slowness

Many users complained about how slow the websites on the re-seller accounts are.

3. Customer Support

Customer support in Bluehost is pretty slow.

4. One Set of Default DNS

Bluehost only has one set of DNS:,

5. Not the Lowest Price

Although the price is affordable, it is not the lowest among its peers.

6. Migration

Bluehost charge $99.9 for migration, which some of other hosting companies will do it for free.

So to decide what is the best option for you, look at the pros and cons and compare it to others. Now, here is the link leading to how to sign up with bluehost: