How to sign up with BlueHost


New member
I have posted a step by step guide on how to sign-up to BlueHost on my blog but before I get to that I like to talk briefly about why I decided to work with BlueHost. There are 3 main things that attracted me to BlueHost and they are:

1. The Website user experience is better then other hosting providers like host gator and 1&1. Other hosting sites have clutter and too many links and pages on their website which makes it hard to navigate throughout the website.

2. They offer a 30 day money back guarantee which is only fair for digital services and I do not think other hosting provides provide this.

3. Customer service is actually not bad- unlike others like 1&1 BlueHost actually provides okay customer support, they answered my questions then other one I have dealt with. I like people who are straight and do not best around the bush.

So as I said here is the post on my blog on how to sign up to BlueHost with step by step instructions:!&p=7338658#post7338658