How to Select Keyword for SEO?

You can do a high quality keyword research by using Google keyword planner and choose the best keywords for your domain. Choosing the right keywords for your website will help to build your website ranking faster in search engines.
Google Adwords, and Google Keyword Planner are few of the best tools of Google that could help you to search for a relevant keyword as per the niche of your website. It could aid you to select those keywords which could help your website to get huge presence in the internet world easily and quickly. One can search for high competition and low competition keywords in these tools and can work accordingly.
Type some of of the keywords of your choice and look what results will be shown to you. Check if your competitors offer is available and look if the sponsored links of similar offers will appear. If so, then that's the signal that this is the keyword you want to position your website in search engines
1. Brainstorm keywords you think you should use
It’s an obvious, but important step. What does your company do? What do you sell? Starting with a basic list of your products or services is an easy way to get some initial keyword ideas. But once you’ve got the obvious keywords on paper, dig deeper and add subcategories.

For example, you own a beauty salon and all you have on your keyword list is waxing, facials and massages. That’s a great start, but you can do better. Don’t you actually offer eyebrow waxing , leg waxing and bikini line waxing (ouch!)? When choosing keywords for SEO, you’re not just aiming for the most obvious ones, but also the more specific phrases.

With a little bit of thought, you can probably come up with some two or more word keyphrases, and you’re on your way to developing a good SEO strategy.

2. Keyword research: the secret weapon of SEO
There’s a secret weapon used by search engine optimisation experts the world over – Google Keyword Planner. This will show you if your customers are using synonyms, misspellings, singular or plural versions of your keywords, and more. Let’s look at our beauty salon, who came up with the keywords “leg waxing”:

Killer Keywords

You can see some basic variations to do with leg waxing that they might expect. But you’ll also see gems, like “leg waxing tips” and “how long does leg waxing last?”

Further down, you can also see:

Killer Keywords

These could be smartly optimised articles with titles like, “How long does leg waxing last? Only an hour with Our Beauty Salon”. Or they might suggest new markets to target. Who knew men long for silky smooth legs too?

3. Long-tail keyphrases
Here’s another top tip for successful search engine optimisation. Searchers who are looking to buy or book something will often use three or four keywords in their search engine query. These are known as long-tail keyphrases, and you want to find the ones that your customers are using to uncover your killer keywords.

If a potential customer for our beauty salon searches for leg waxing, here’s what they’ll see:

Killer Keywords

Not very useful. They are far more likely to get what they want if they search for “professional leg waxing Nottingham” or “men’s leg waxing Nottingham”. It is these keyword phrases that you need to identify and start using.

You’ll generally find that fewer people are searching for your long-tail keyphrases. But the ones that do are more likely to become customers, and this is why choosing keywords for SEO relies heavily on whole phrases. Visitors will be especially likely to become customers if your website is well-optimised and full of useful content to help them buy your product or service.

So, to identify the killer keywords that will make your SEO strategy a runaway success, remember to:

Brainstorm your keywords
Research your keywords
Think outside the box – never miss an SEO opportunity suggested by keyword research
Start thinking like a customer and develop long-tail keyphrases.