How to remove Spam link or bad link?

There are numbers of steps reguired to remove spam link : 1)Check your website using Google Webmaster Tools to check if there website affected under any Google penalty,
1)Check your website using Google Webmaster Tools to check if there website affected under any Google penalty,
2) Determine the Extent of the Penalty your website where affected.
3) Double check your website if there any violations Against Search Engine Terms of Service
4) Using Ahrefs or any other tool to check what links exactly sending spam to your website 5) Using Disavow tool - Google disalovle each of spam links. 6) Uf your webiste where deindexed
5) Using Disavow tool - Google disalovle each of spam links.
6) Uf your webiste where deindexed
Contact Google for requesting a reconsideration of your site.
Since Penguin was created to penalize any site using spam methods to generate backlinks and manipulate search engine rankings, people started to abuse this system by creating spam links for legitimate sites, in an effort to lower their rankings. Some of them succeeded. Many brands were affected by the negative SEO campaign, though others remained unaffected. This all led to the major problem of controlling the backlinks pointing to a site.