How to reduce the bounce rate?

Some tips for reduce the bounce rate:
1. Improve Your Content’s Readability
2. Avoid Popups – Don’t Disrupt the UX
3. Create a Compelling Call-to-Action
4. Improve Your Brand Storytelling
5. Keep Your Blog Fresh With the Right Content
6. Target Keywords With High-Value Traffic
7. Attract the Right Visitors
8. Write Attractive Meta Descriptions for Search Users
9. Create Multiple Landing Pages for High-Volume Keywords
10. Speed Up Your Page Load Time
11. Set External Links to Open in New Windows
12. Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly
13. Show Credibility
By following these step we can reduce bounce rate
1. improve Your Content's Readability.
2. Create a Compelling Call-to-Action.
3. Avoid Popups –Don't Disrupt the UX.
4. Improve Your Brand Storytelling.
5. Target Keywords With High-Value Traffic.
6. Keep Your Blog Fresh With the Right Content.
The following factors should help to reduce bounce rates, but also should serve to keep users on site for a longer period. Or at least remove factors which will make them leave the site.
1. Make sure your pages load quickly
2. Site design
3. Article formatting
4. Mobile-friendly pages
5. Site search and navigation