How to Recover Lost Customers in Magento?


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Every online store loses customers due to one reason or another. Losing customers is a frustrating experience, especially in the checkout process. Possible reasons of customers with an abandoned cart are the store's poor user experience, poor customer support, high prices, unavailability of the desired product or lengthy checkout process etc. An effective strategy to re-target these customers and entice them to visit the store again is highly desirable.

Magento abandoned cart email by FME is an exclusive extension to help you achieve this. It allows you to send auto reminder emails to customers who leave with an abandoned cart and offer them discount coupons to complete their order. It increases conversion rate as a good percentage of pending customers will be happy to shop at your store to avail the discount. Magento abandoned cart email extension allows you to offer discount in fixed amount or in percentage. You can specify the number of reminder emails to be sent to a hanging customer and also set a minimum order amount to get the discount. Set validity for discount coupons and measure the success rate of Magento abandoned cart reminder emails.

For full features, see:
Magento Abandoned Cart Email