How to rank website in ten days with organic SEO?


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Is there any best way to bring a website into Google's top 10 results within ten days using organic search engine methods?

Seems it is bit not possible but when we can able to drive huge traffic to that website we can make it possible. Suppose when you observe sport related websites, examination results websites, movie related websites will get huge crowds over night. I think in this kind of cases it will be possible.
Is there any best way to bring a website into Google's top 10 results within ten days using organic search engine methods?

Seems it is bit not possible but when we can able to drive huge traffic to that website we can make it possible. Suppose when you observe sport related websites, examination results websites, movie related websites will get huge crowds over night. I think in this kind of cases it will be possible.
Not gonna happen, it is not all about the traffic it is about how optimized your site is especially onpage and on the keywords you use. There is no definite time.
Yes, I agreed with chinomoreno Because, In such a time, It's impossible to rank your website in top 10 of google search result. Yet, I also want to give you some tip that will help you in ranking.
How to Rank for a Keyword in 10 Steps
Step 1: Lay the Groundwork
* A strong website
* A network to draw on
Don’t rush this stuff in your race for Internet gold.
Step 2: Do Your Initial Keyword Research
* Choosing a keyword with good volume, but not too much volume
* Choosing a keyword that’s relevant to your business model
Step 3: Check Out the Competition
* The domains and URLs
* The titles
* The type of content that’s ranking
* The types of businesses that are ranking
* How authoritative those sites are
You’re looking for ways that you can differentiate yourself.
Step 4: Consider Intent
Step 5: Conceptualize the Content
* An article
* A blog post
* A product page
* An index or directory of links (to other pages on your site or around the web)
* An authoritative guide
* An infographic
* A video
Step 6: Execute
Search Engines are looking for high-quality content
Step 7: Optimize for Your Keyword
Optimize your content while you’re creating it
Step 8: Publish
Step 9: Promote
* Share your content through your business’s social accounts
* Use social buttons or widgets on your site to promote independent sharing
* Build links to your content
Step 10: Analyze
Is truly optimized
Is truly high-quality
Is truly visible
Yes, I agreed with chinomoreno Because, In such a time, It's impossible to rank your website in top 10 of google search result. Yet, I also want to give you some tip that will help you in ranking.
How to Rank for a Keyword in 10 Steps
Step 1: Lay the Groundwork
* A strong website
* A network to draw on
Don’t rush this stuff in your race for Internet gold.
Step 2: Do Your Initial Keyword Research
* Choosing a keyword with good volume, but not too much volume
* Choosing a keyword that’s relevant to your business model
Step 3: Check Out the Competition
* The domains and URLs
* The titles
* The type of content that’s ranking
* The types of businesses that are ranking
* How authoritative those sites are
You’re looking for ways that you can differentiate yourself.
Step 4: Consider Intent
Step 5: Conceptualize the Content
* An article
* A blog post
* A product page
* An index or directory of links (to other pages on your site or around the web)
* An authoritative guide
* An infographic
* A video
Step 6: Execute
Search Engines are looking for high-quality content
Step 7: Optimize for Your Keyword
Optimize your content while you’re creating it
Step 8: Publish
Step 9: Promote
* Share your content through your business’s social accounts
* Use social buttons or widgets on your site to promote independent sharing
* Build links to your content
Step 10: Analyze
Is truly optimized
Is truly high-quality
Is truly visible

Very informative answer yes it takes time to get rank organically.
SEO which is also known as Search Engine Optimization refers to following Google guidelines to improve the website traffic and ranking. It is a time consuming process, and it's not easy to rank your website within 5-10 days. In order to rank your website organically it takes time, and you want results in short period of time following Black Hat SEO can help you to achieve your goal but in long run your website will get penalized by Google algorithm.
Don’t be hurried,

White Hat SEO can’t help you to improve your ranking in one day. If you want to improve your ranking in one day at any-cost, then you have to follow Black Hat SEO, which is not at all good for your business. Because black hat SEO is not a permanent solution, temporarily it can increase your rank, but after that it will permanently penalize your site which will not good for your business.

So be patience to get better results.

Follow White Hat SEO techniques to get the best result, ofcourse slowly but permanently.

Use below strategy to improve your SEO rank

Guest Blogging
Forum Posting
Infographic Submission
Image Marketing
Content Sharing
Blog Commenting
Social Media Marketing
Competitors link building
Classified Ads
Wikipedia Sharing
Top Bookmarking