How to prevent a WordPress site from getting hacked?

Kumar Palani

New member
My sister's website (business website) is hacked more than 8 times in the past 1 year and I hardly see any reasons for this. It's a very small business company and so has no reasons to be famous enough to be specifically targeted. How can one improve the security of a WordPress website? Give some detailed tips and strategies to prevent future hacking.

Note: It does rank on well on Google for several keywords.
1. Rename login URL with WP hide login.
2. Change the strong password periodically for login page.
3. Install iptables to block the suspicious IP addresses and Ports.
4. Install SSL ceritficate to encrypt data.
5. Install the security plugins like Wordfence security.
6. Monitor the change of your website files.
7. Set strong password for the database.
8. Update WordPress to the latest version in time.
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