How to perform SEO?

>It is used to drive traffic and It boost your seo
>It is used to promote your sites
How to perform SEO?
''In reference to the opening thread,there are many ways to "perform Seo". One way is to always review your site content or structure to make sure it fits well withing the guidelines of the search engines such as Google and Yahoo. Another way to perform Seo is keyword research. This is in it's own way a whole category by itself. With keyword research you will learn terms and phrases to target with SEO, but also learn more about your potential visitors, consumers and customers. Keep in mind that understanding which websites already rank for your keyword gives you valuable info into your competition, and also how difficult it will be to rank for the given term. For more info on Seo and how to perform I would recommend reading:

2013 Search Engine Ranking Factors Survey & Correlation Data - Moz
Performing a search engine optimization audit of your web site is important for many reasons. First, you can identify problematic areas that need improvement so you can create an action plan to correct them and second, a good SEO audit will keep your website up-to-date with the latest developments in search marketing and on top of the competition.
Using relevant keywords within the website / page content, the content of the website pages is the top priority for SEO, your website pages should provide good information about the product / service or subject. You can also hire an expert from sites like SEOclerks.
How to perform SEO?

Provide unique, informative and rich original content. Make sure it's well written with good spelling, grammar and punctuation. Use relevant titles that are short and to the point but descriptive and accurate. Use relevant keywords but check your keyword density - you don't want to be penalized for 'keyword stuffing'. Articles should be at least 500 words, although search engines prefer articles that are 1200 words and over. Make the content richer by including images, videos and media.