how to optimize Web pages ??

Include meta and title tags
Research keywords
Place keywords strategically throughout your content
Use alt tags to describe your images
Keep providing new content
Get other websites to link to you
Create a site map
Avoid using frames whenever possible
Hello Dear,

Optimize for your web page follow below tips:

- Optimize for your site Meta and Title Tag
- Add your site Canonical(Relational) Tag
- Add your page related targeted keyword content wright
- Add Image Alt Tag to Describe Image
- Add your Page Internal Link
- Generate for your site related sitemap
- Optimize for your site js and CSS for Boost your site Speed.

Optimising the Content in the website is very important for the website to show up in the search results in google. The website should have the Keywords placed in Title tag, Meta Description, H1 tags,internal links to show up in the search results on google for those search queries.
If you want to optimize your website for Google, you need to follow some rules of Google. You need to consider following few things:
- Add relevant title and meta tags
- Right keyword research
- Image optimization
- Add updated, high quality content
- create xml sitemap, robots file
- Internal linking
- URL optimization
- Improve page load time
- Responsive design
To optimize web pages follow these steps..
1. Design must be responsive
2. Interlinking
3. Provide genuine content
4. Improve page load time
5. URL optimization
6. Meta title and Meta description
7. XML sitemap
8. Robots.txt file..etc
If you optimize your webs page so you do onpage your website in perfect manner, include metas, <h1 tag and use keyword in h1 and first paragraph of page> use alt tag, sitemap, canonical issue, use fresh content, internal linking, low cometitors and long tail keyword use , means your whole site is seo friendly website . so use some tool to check your website is seo friendly or not like iwebcheck, seemursh etc.
- Add relevant title and meta tags
- Right keyword research
- Image optimization
- Add updated, high quality content
- create xml sitemap, robots file
- Internal linking
- URL optimization
- Improve page load time
- Responsive design

All of this is great stuff from you guys....

One thing that everybody seems to forget is relevance, make sure your title accurately describes whats in your website , a slightly misleading title will lead to bounce rates. Make sure your title is eye catching. Say you are soing a web design company , i know for serp its good to start with keywords so you would say , web design ect ect..... but everybody is doing that. use numbers in your title , it gives a better click through rate as it stands out. Use dates. Makse sure at the sme time that the main thing being searched for , is present in your title snippet.
Hello Dear,

Optimize for your web page follow below tips:

- Optimize for your site Meta and Title Tag
- Add your site Canonical(Relational) Tag
- Add your page related targeted keyword content wright
- Add Image Alt Tag to Describe Image
- Add your Page Internal Link
- Generate for your site related sitemap
- Optimize for your site js and CSS for Boost your site Speed.


I agree with your statement
Research keywords
Place keywords strategically throughout your content
Use alt tags to describe your images
Keep providing new content
Get other websites to link to you
Create a sitemap