How to optimize the internal structure of a website


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  How to optimize the internal structure of a website?

  The internal structure optimization of the website is an indispensable link in the process of website SEO, and it should be set up in the early stage of website construction.

  Optimization of the internal structure mainly includes: site structure, page elements, the late optimization, etc., from these aspects explain for everybody below, the hope can give some don‘t understand friend to provide substantial guidance.

  1. Structure catalogue

  The design of the catalogue is a key link in the construction of the website. It is the skeleton of a website, so the website directory is directly related to the user experience.

  Suggestion: the organization structure of the directory is not more than three times from the home page to the content page, which is the third level: front page - column page - content page.

  Directory names can use some of the site’s core product words.

  2, links,

  What are the two most important things we say about the optimization of a website?

  Yes, links and keywords.

  If the directory is the backbone of a website, then the link is the site‘s blood.

  Suggestion: the setting of website link is presented in English, it is short and easy to understand, use static URL, cater to search engine’s preference, and better serve the website optimization.

  3. Robots protocol

  Robot. TXT is equivalent to a face of a website, a visitor‘s face, and a search engine spider (or robot, crawler)。

  It is a crawling protocol file that tells the search engine spider what content in this site should not be indexed by the search engine and which can be indexed.

  Now many places have automatic generation tools, baidu webmaster tools, or some plug-ins, according to their preferences to use.

  Here is a little tip that places the site’s map links in robots, which is definitely a great help to the site.

  Methods: in the last line increase Sitemap:

  4, Sitemaps

  Sitemaps is a steward who summarises the statistics website‘s data links and better displays the results of the aggregated results to the site’s guest - search engine spider.

  Sitemaps typically have both HTML and XML formats.

  The current search engine baidu, Google, yahoo, Microsoft support Sitemaps, Sitemaps submission can be submitted by each search engine‘s webmaster platform, can also be placed in the robots to its address. TXT file, has been said above.

  5. 404 page

  404 is the return status code of a web page, indicating that there is no valid page.

  The reasons are: click the damaged link, the page has been deleted, the user input the wrong url, etc.

  Using a custom 404 page can effectively help users get back to the site and improve the user experience.

  It is also a way to prevent loss of users.

  404 page is the hand of the website, do not do well is to hit their own face.

  Suggest 404 not simple jump to the home page, there are a lot of beautiful 404 template on the net, can download modify to use.

  6. Nofollow tag.

  Nofollow tag is to minimize spam links to the search engine, the influence of after the hyperlinks in nofollow tag, search engines will not consider the weight of these links, also need not use these links to ranking.

  There are usually two ways to use a nofollow tag: one way is to write “nofollow” on a meta tag on a web page, such as:。

  Another way is to put “nofollow” in a hyperlink, such as:。

  It is important to note that if a web site links to sites that are considered spam sites by search engines, the weight of the site will also be affected.

  Therefore, it is necessary for a website to use the nofollow tag.

  7. Statistical code

  The website statistical analysis tool should be understood by every stationmaster, now commonly used is baidu statistics, CNZZ, Google analysis, 51, and so on, specific not to do introduction.

  When the site statistics code is added, it is best to put it at the bottom of the site in order not to affect the loading speed of the website.
An accurate site structure can reduce bounce rate and improve dwell time, both of which will lead to improved rankings. A good site structure provides your site with sitelinks. Sitelinks are a listing format in the SERPs that show your site's main page along with several internal links indented below.