How to master Web design and development skills?


If a web designer fresher asks me this question i can try to clearly explain many things because i have five years of experience.

Everyone wants to be a web designer, that's really a great thing. But it some creative concept of working style and zeal to excel your presentation skills.

In the web design process the important tools to learn:
First start with logo design and web template design using Adobe photoshop. It takes minimum thirty days to get some idea on web template design.

Then start to write html code using your template with necessary css.

This is just a simple way to start web designing as your career objective.
If a web designer fresher asks me this question i can try to clearly explain many things because i have five years of experience.

Everyone wants to be a web designer, that's really a great thing. But it some creative concept of working style and zeal to excel your presentation skills.

In the web design process the important tools to learn:
First start with logo design and web template design using Adobe photoshop. It takes minimum thirty days to get some idea on web template design.

Then start to write html code using your template with necessary css.

This is just a simple way to start web designing as your career objective.

thanks for the information
Few years back I asked this question to myself!

This is what I find easy and organized way to start web programming, you can skip steps which you have already know

To learn web programming, first you have to know

What is a website
What are the main role players
[Webserver, Mark-up languages, Client side scripting, Server side scripting, Protocols (http), Browsers
Trace complete server round trip i.e. from typing in browser and to loading the complete page.
Why http is stateless? Role of session to overcome this?
Start learning html & little JavaScript

Basic tags
Marquee :)
Alert, change color page background color via javascript etc
Have some fun playing around with html, javscript and css
Server side scripting

Start with php
Use all necessary input – type elements and create forms
Validate form with plain javascript
Retrieve submitted form data and display it via php
I think you can complete 1 to 5 quickly. Its interesting part for all novice web programmers, because of the visual excitement they get while using html and css first time/

Then move to serious stuff!!!
You can never master it , because it always changes , new tools new languages , new websites , new online trends . What you can do is become a master at adapting to change . A master in learning fast.

Learn Php , learn html , and javascript , if you like mobile development , learn python. Then i would go to a framework like laravel to speed up your php.

Just always keep your ears open for the next new markup language and decide if you want to be a part of that too.

Im am saying do not limit yourself to one thing.
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You can never master it , because it always changes , new tools new languages , new websites , new online trends . What you can do is become a master at adapting to change . A master in learning fast.

Learn Php , learn html , and javascript , if you like mobile development , learn python. Then i would go to a framework like laravel to speed up your php.

Just always keep your ears open for the next new markup language and decide if you want to be a part of that too.

Im am saying do not limit yourself to one thing.
Yes, you are right
Few years back I asked this question to myself!

This is what I find easy and organized way to start web programming, you can skip steps which you have already know

To learn web programming, first you have to know

What is a website
What are the main role players
[Webserver, Mark-up languages, Client side scripting, Server side scripting, Protocols (http), Browsers
Trace complete server round trip i.e. from typing in browser and to loading the complete page.
Why http is stateless? Role of session to overcome this?
Start learning html & little JavaScript

Basic tags
Marquee :)
Alert, change color page background color via javascript etc
Have some fun playing around with html, javscript and css
Server side scripting

Start with php
Use all necessary input – type elements and create forms
Validate form with plain javascript
Retrieve submitted form data and display it via php
I think you can complete 1 to 5 quickly. Its interesting part for all novice web programmers, because of the visual excitement they get while using html and css first time/

Then move to serious stuff!!!

Very useful response helped for me in understanding web design skills.
If you want to "master" any subject in any field, you just need to work. There is no easy way or any helpful enough tutorial.