How to Make Magento 2 Product Page More Engaging?


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Rich and engaging product page is essential to increase the product's sales. You have to provide complete product details and make sure all possible product questions are answered properly. If a customer has the slightest of doubt or question regarding how the product works or it features, most probably they are going to abandon the cart.

Magento 2 product attachments extension by FME allows you make your products & CMS pages much more engaging and informative. It enables you to attach multiple file types such as PDF, PPT, Docs etc. for customers to download. These files can be user guides, tutorials, video links and other informative materials which contribute to increased product knowledge of the customers. You can also create a separate 'File Download' page to list your uploaded items.

Feature Highlights of Magento 2 File Download Extension

Following are some features of Magento 2 file download extension.

  • Upload PDF & other unlimited file types
  • Create separate 'File Download' page
  • Display attractive file icons
  • Restrict files by customer groups & store view
  • Set a download limit
  • Login before download

Want to see full features? visit


Get it from MarketPlace: Magento 2 File Download Extension by FME
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Also have a look at : Magento 2 Product Tabs extension. Magento 2 Product Tabs extension allow admin to edit and add unlimited tabs for product details page.
efault of magento v2, product details page just showing 3 tabs are: Details, More Information and Reviews. With this extension admin can add unlimited tabs. The tab can be use static blocks or attributes.
Features List:
Add tab use attribute
Add tab use static block
Enable "Review" tab
Enable "More Information" tab
Change title of tabs
Change position of tabs
Add unlimited tabs
Support for multi store views
Easy to manage
Easy to use